csPostMessage: timeout 60000 ms


I have issue with click


a href=“Javascript:viewContact(599469018, 136845, 0, 0, 0)”>The Link</a

“Command”: “click”,
“Target”: “link=The Link”,
“Value”: “”

New frame does load, but command gets stuck for 60 seconds.
csPostMessage: timeout 60000 ms

Can i make postmessage shorter or somehow bypass waiting?

Can you share a link to the website that shows this issue?

If it is an iframe issue, using XClick with an image of something inside frame as locator could solve the issue without diving into the details of website,

last update solved this issue

Same error again!

Is it posible to change timeout value from 60000ms ?

I tried timeout_wait and timeout_pageload but timeout doesnt change

Can you share the website for us to test?

And/or: See my earlier hint:

If it is an iframe issue, using XClick with an image of something inside frame as locator could solve the issue - because it does not rely on the website Javascript and browser DOM.

I tested same macro on firerox and it works fine.
Seems like chrome issue.