Double Click Command

is kantu chrome support double click command? selenium does support double click but it seems kantu do not support double click command, can anyone help on this?


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Indeed, selenium webdriver and selenium ide support double click to send double clicks to an element (e.g., a link, button, checkbox, or radio button). Kantu does not support this kind of of Javascript double-click event (yet?).

But with the Real User Simulation XModule it supports native system double clicks with the XClick command:

  • XClick | locator | #doubleclick

  • or XClick | image | #doubleclick

thanks, and will give a try.

Why does the screen become green when I use this Xclick command?

I have the same need to have a double click command in the web. XClcik does the work, but it moves the windows mouse.
Selenium IDE can do double click through webdriver, but I like to use Ui.Vision for many other reasons.
I tried to executeScript in DOM like document.getElementById(“a_1”).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(‘dblclick’, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window} )), but the target webpage does not recognize it.
Is there any javascript that can do the job?